ALISTAIR SMYTH - Artist and Teacher

Why Choose SCD

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Because It Increases Physical Fitness Because It Increases
Physical Fitness
Because It Provides Mental StimulationBecause It Provides
Mental Stimulation
Because It Does Wonders For ConcentrationBecause It Does Wonders
For Concentration
Because It Improves One's Sense Of BalanceBecause It Improves One's
Sense Of Balance
Because It Promotes SociabilityBecause It Promotes
Because It Improves Physical Co-ordinationBecause It Improves
Physical Co-ordination
Because It Improves FlexabilityBecause It Improves
Because It Teaches The Importance Of Warming UpBecause It Teaches The
Importance Of Warming Up
Because It Improves One's Rythmic SenseBecause It Improves
One's Rythmic Sense
Because It's TraditionalBecause It's Traditional Because Well Do You Really Want To Dance On Your HeadBecause Well Do You Really
Want To Dance On Your Head
Because It's DangerousBecause It's Dangerous
Because If You're Not Past Because If You're Not Past
It Now You Soon Will Be
Because It Makes You HappyBecause Makes You Happy